Why do we tell stories? Telling stories allows us to express ourselves in ways that communicate who we truly are. When you tell stories you are being vulnerable. No matter the extent to which you open up, it's amazing that you got that far. I see the stories of those around me portrayed in various ways. Each and every story is beautiful and deserves to be heard. I am so excited to share my thoughts with you all on the amazing ways to share your story! Please click on the links throughout the website to see some amazing resources I have found along the way! :) Oral Storytelling When we orally tell a story, we are able to emphasize the most impactful parts of our story. This could be as simple as sharing your day with someone, or as complex as retelling your entire life story to someone who wants to hear. Any time you open up and share your story, a new one is made. Being able to tell your story in words requires you to be brave. Even times where you share and don't open up comp...